Happy Spring!! LSYC is already flying her spinnaker and we want you to be along for the ride! Here is what we are up to lately:
The Race Committee training was really great! That is my kind of College! Thanks to Bob and Star Malouff for their efforts! I know I learned a TON and we are making our club sustainable for the future. This was a really good thing.
- I am getting lots of Orleans Trail questions- here is what I am told: E dock replacement is underway. The covered slips- 400 dock and such- are being replaced and the new docks arrive to begin assembly May 1 and May 28. The dock company is working well with the O.T. ownership. O.T. has hired extra hands, bought tools, rented equipment and are putting their insurance money to immediate use, including the demolition and removal part.
- FYI, I have been part of some interesting meetings regarding an area- wide youth sailing program that includes colleges, high schools and clubs. This is driven by a portable fleet of 420’s and serious leadership that has built a 501(c)3 and is moving forward. This includes the real possibility of bringing an Olympic Sailing Finals to our region. Again with the Domino College! More to come….watch this website.
- What’s next? April 22 Greg Moerer is partnering with local talent to do a Maintenance Seminar, and Paul Nahon will be available to help you on your boat with rig tuning. And April 29 is Shark Park Cleanup Day! Bring a rake, hammer, drill, whatever and help clean up our area. See that nice stack of firewood? That’s ours!
- If you have not already, GET SIGNED UP!!!
Over and out from Joplin,
B-arr-y Nelson
(Here is another version of Domino College- your author and his son, Luke playing Dominos at Soggy Dollar, Jost Van Dyke, BVI)