Welcome 2018! Let’s start with the numbers while we are dealing with frozen weather:

2017 the S&P 500 was up 19.4%
2017 the NASDAQ was up 28%
2015-2017 the LSYC is up 100%
My wish for you is that those 3= New Boat (or boat trip) for you!
What will 2018 bring for the LSYC? I do not know for sure, but I CAN let you know where the planning meetings will be and encourage y’all to be long the LSYC!
(That would be Lake Stockton Yacht Club, not ticker lsyc, a non traded penny stock)
PLEASE attend one (or both, up to you:-) and bring ideas! Between these two meetings, we will be setting the calendar for the 2018 season, answering your questions, and having some laughs!
Wed Jan 10 7:00pm Springfield Barley Wheat and Rye House 2144 E Republic Rd Springfield
Wed Jan 24 7:00pm Kansas City TBD in Johnson CO
The plan is: Once I have a calendar, THEN we will update the website and the Google calendar. THEN we will set the website to begin taking your 2018 membership and selling ads.
Also, we could use your help at the Kansas City Boat Show. The Perry group is setting up a booth that promotes sailing in the region and we could use some help to staff it. Please click on the link below to sign up. You get to hang out with fellow sailors and help our sport at the same time.

Kansas City Boat Show
   When you sign up, please put “LSYC” in with your name.

So, while it is friggin’ cold outside, start making some plans! What will you fix on your boat this year? How involved do you want to be with the club? Do you want to encourage sailing in the region? Will you squeeze in one extra weekend at the lake this season? How about those folks you were thinking of inviting to the lake but haven’t yet?

Spring will be here before you know it!

Over and out from the Grizwold home,
(Clark) Nelson, your sweater wearin’, egg nog drinkin’ guy who hosted the extended family for a week
(The last of the 12 guests, aged 7mo to 74 yrs, left today)
(Yes, there was a camper in the driveway)
(Yes, the pipes froze in the shi##er)
(Yes, the cat has PTSD)