Hello LSYC friends and family! Welcome to the official start of the LSYC 2018 Trip Around the Sun! Grab a beverage of choice and join me as we kick off the new season.
This is going to be a GREAT year in Stockton! As a club, we have a full calendar lined up and are looking forward to seeing you out on the water! And YOU- you good looking person, you- are YOU ready? Have YOU been thinking of YOUR summer calendar, boat projects, crew lists and overall plan of attack for your boating season? Well, let the LSYC help you out:
In the interest of keeping this missive short, I will list some bullet points and encourage you to reply to lsyccommodore@gmail with questions. (please do not reply all)
• Membership- time to sign up! We have kept the dues level for the year and the club is healthy. You get a year’s worth of benefits for the cost of one night out.
• Gear- you will get some swag in your membership packet (coozie, bumper sticker, LSYC and Yacht Club of America membership cards) but maybe you want some more? Check it out under the “Shop” tab.
• Advertising- members get a discount to advertise with us.
• Website- it’s security settings are up-to-date and we encourage spending some time poking around- check out the Google calendar and link it with yours. And be sure to friend on Facebook and follow on Instagram!
• The Mauloffs will let the LSYC use their cruiser as a committee boat this year!
• We are still saving up for the club’s own committee boat- please check out the GoFundMe and read the description of what we are looking for. Let’s do this!
• As an Admiral member- we will put all names in a hat and draw races. If you are drawn to be Race Committee on a given weekend, that race is yours to own. You will not loose standing in a series and this will spread out the work among members. This is new this year.
• Fleets: Spinnaker, JAM 1, JAM 2 (if enough entries), multi- hull, and dinghy. That’s right, we have added dinghy racing!
• Check out the calendar- lots of Cruising Series races going on for “the rest of us”!
• Social events- again with the calendar and Facebook- please bring your friends/ family to the events. This is a fun, diverse group of people. In addition to the parties, notable events coming up:
o Maintenance seminar- April 28
o Dock Box Garage Sale- May 26
o Governor’s Cup- September 14-16
The Lake Stockton Yacht Club is proud to have YOU aboard for our 2018 Trip Around the Sun!
Over and out from Olathe,
B-arr-y Nelson, Commodore
(Been somewhere fun this winter? Send me a photo and/or share it with the club on Instagram)
(Check out the photo of the new contenders this year- a pair of Carerras at Spurgeon’s- these things are rocket ships!)
(Thank you Kenny Chesney for letting me steal your tour name. See you at Arrowhead on July 14 . Also: Jimmy Buffett May 19 at Sprint Center, just sayin’)