Archives: Events
Summer Cruiser Series #5
The Summer Cruiser Series Continues this Weekend AND there will be a moonlight sail!
Lake Stockton Yacht Club 48th Annual Governor’s Cup
Congratulations to Ron and Judy Barrow in Charmed for winning the Cruiser Race ath the Regatta! Please note the ENORMOUS trophy in the background that they won, in addition to the coveted tote bag And Cody Shaw on Jabooty for winning the Summer Cruiser Series! Cody has the cutest crew. Also: We had 9 boats…
Fall Distance Race – Cruiser Race – Monohull and Multihull
2022 LSYC Distance Race The Cruising Squadron 21 mile distance race will include 3 laps of the 7 mile course shown on the map. Check for your starting time and proceed to the starting area. On the map, the starting area is at the big pink dot between the west end of edge island and…
Gumbo Cup – Gumbo Meal after hosted by Rick Cantrell
GUMBO CUP, on October 22 The Lake Stockton Yacht Club and the Stockton Single-hand Sailing Society (you know who you are) will host the 11th annual Gumbo Cup Single-Hand race. “Spirit of the race” This race was started as a contest amongst boats normally crewed by 3-5 people so as to provide a challenge I…
Frostbite Race and Year End Meeting
Orleans Trail Marina RestaurantThe Frostbite race will kick off at 11:00 am. Then we will close out the year with us at the OTM restaurant at 3:30 Appetizers and snacks provided by the club. We need volunteers for next year! Please come tell us how you can help next year!