Hello LSYC friends and family! This email brings you lots of updates, please read it all the way to the end, and I promise to keep things lively.
1. Governor’s Cup NEXT WEEKEND! Your updates are: Friday’s registration AND Saturday Skipper’s meeting will be at Bongo’s (the monkey) Bistro in Stockton, MO. Saturday Dinner/ Dance and Sunday awards will be at the Venue at The Cabins at Stockton Lake. There will be signs. There will be no LSYC events at O.T. this weekend.
2. At Gov Cup dinner/dance we will forego the planned raffle and do a Red Cross hurricane drive, so bring your cash for that. As a club, we hope to raise a lot of $ for hurricane relief!
3. New event on the calendar! The LSYC is hosting a multi-hull seminar on October 7th. 10am, Boathouse Restaurant in Stockton, MO. Should go till around lunch, and we ask those attending to grab lunch at Boathouse. All members (and their friends) are welcome! (Hell, bring anyone who thinks “You know, just one hull ain’t cutting it) This will be hosted by our resident multi-hull expert, and trimaran Captain, and multi- award winner, and devilishly handsome Rex Bristow.
Special thanks to our Governor’s Cup Sponsors: (please show them love)
Lake Stockton Boat Works
The Venue
Bongo’s Bistro
Over and out from State Park Marina,
The Notorious B-arr-y, your lanky Commodore
(I’ve been really bummed out about these hurricanes, but Leslee is right when she says: then DO SOMETHING about it, you will feel better. So, if you feel like I do, please bring your checkbook with big fat checks made out to the Red Cross, we will collect them at the event)
(I see wind in the forecast

(Just got done communicating with the band. They are STOKED for this! What’s the music like? Think Stevie Ray Vaughn)