First of all, thank you Tom Petty. As the fall wind picks up, so is the experience of “flying” our sailboats. Not only was the distance race a screamer, but this weekend’s single-hand Gumbo Cup should be too. Don’t forget to wear your jacket and put your ladder down!
Not only are the adults learning to fly, but so are the kids. As the season begins to wind down, I am looking back and remembering that we taught ~20 kids how to “fly without wings” this year. That’s pretty cool. (“Petty Cool?”)
Before I post our results, I would like to remind you all of the end of the year meeting on Oct 28. Have YOU been thinking of what YOU can do for the club next year? Please bring those ideas to the meeting. Remember, we NEED a Race Chair (Rear Commodore) and Commodore is open. Also a finance person and a web person.
Fall Series results!
#1 Old Glory
#2 Jezibel (these kids are learning!)
#3 Compass Rose
#1 Risky Business
#2 Roshambo
#3 Sweet Baby J
Distance race results!
#1 Wind Dancer
#2 Compass Rose (in a nail- biter!)
#3 No Worries
#4 Shatzi
#1 Risky Business
#2 Charmed
#3 Sweet Baby J
#4 Cinnamon Girl
There are 11 different boats on that list- very cool!!
Have fun at Gumbo this weekend (hey Rick- the leftover beer from Gov Cup is in an E Park dock box- break it out!) and I will see all y’all on the 28th!
Over and out from my home office,
B-arr-y (there is still a little pirate in me) Nelson
(looks like she will blow 20 from the South Saturday- go git ’em!)