Hello LSYC friends! Congrats to Old Glory for winning the Moon Light Madness Distance Race! Wow, what a beautiful evening that was.

The Water Battle for Edge Island was SO MUCH FUN! We had 7 teams out there and my crew could not stop laughing.
What’s next? This weekend is another “2 fer”: Saturday evening is the “Big EEEEEEEvent!” Our E dock scalawags at O.T. are throwing a party with bonfire and keg like only the E rockers can!  Bring a lawn chair or pickup truck bed and the words to “Red Solo Cup”. Members have no cost, there is a charge for future members.
And Saturday a.m. we are doing our YOUTH Treasure Hunt. Bring the kids/ grandkids this weekend!! The plan for this is pasted below. 
First weekend in August is the Starting Clinic hosted by our pros. That should get you ready for Fall Series. Yes, I said “Fall”.
See you soon,
Barry Nelson
(a fancy Sweet Jade coozie for the first person to name the song, artist, and album in the subject line, without the help of Siri or Pokemon)
(I have to say that the custom built water balloon cannon on the bow of Chimera is one of the coolest things I have seen in a while)
(Here is the plan for the YOUTH event)
1. Bring treats/ trinkets to give out at your boat/room/camper/wherever you hang out. ALSO hang your Youth Club burgee out front for the kids to see.  (If you do not have one, come to the O.T. Marina between 9:30-10am)
2. Have your kids be at the O.T. Marina at 10am on Saturday.
3. We will give the kids a treasure map. They should go find each burgee around O.T. At each burgee they will get a treat, and they should write down the names of the folks at each place on their map.
4. When they are done, they come back to the marina and we will be serving lunch: walking tacos and cookies. You are encouraged to come have lunch too!
5. You should still be able to get out on the lake by noon (ish) with a full belly.