Greetings to all of my folks like us who are doing things like this! Now, you may be wondering: exactly how much rum has Barry had with lunch? Never fear, I’ll explain…..

Our not- so- little club has really grown into a neat group of people. A bunch of folks from all walks of life enjoying this sport and lifestyle, that we are all passionate about, together.  For example:
I hear tales about club members sailing all over the world- places like New York, Bahamas, BVIs, Scotland, California, Alaska, New Zeland (dammed Kiwis got the Cup), New Orleans, Minnesota, the Mediterranean and other places, all during the past year. We DO some COOL stuff! And we do it together on Stockton Lake. “How was the wind” I’ve heard when I come into the slip. “Great” is the usual reply.  “How was your trip?” “Fantastic!” “How is the water, I’m thinking of going for a swim?” “Get in, the water is great, don’t forget your beer!” “Did you win the race?” “Nah, I took 3rd”.

The Lake Stockton Yacht Club is quite the tribe! I encourage you all to continue to be involved– shake someone’s hand you have not met. Attend a get together. Talk some trash. Buy some LSYC swag. Include your friends and make new ones. RACE.  As Commodore I have been lucky to meet most of you and I have to say, I am really enjoying that. What a bunch of cool people, doing the stuff we all love to do!

And speaking of cool people, this Saturday is the 1st Annual Admiral’s Cup! This is a race for the LADIES! Females at the helm, skippers (Admiral’s) meeting Sat 9:30 to get your start times for the chase race. Watch Facebook for more details!
Moonlight Madness winners: 3rd place Blue Skies, 2nd Ally Cat, 1st Old Glory!
August also brings us the beginning of the fall series and other events, watch the website calendar for details.
And what are your plans for Governor’s Cup?  Time to start planning for Missouri’s biggest regatta! Sept 15-17.

Most importantly, thank you to all! An engaged, active group of people like us (doing things like this)!

Over and out from Boston,
B-arr-y (your windblown Commodore)
(Scotland was AMAZING)
(Watch the club calendar on the website. Make plans to be involved. It’s FUN)