LSYC friends and family,
Wow, what a year we had! I want to start by thanking ALL of you- what a bunch of fun!
We raced, we relaxed, we cruised, we partied. We grew the club. We stretched ourselves. We taught 20 BSA Troop 459 Scouts to sail. We gained recognition nationally. We launched a new website. I would like to give a big THANK YOU to my crew here at LSYC- Paul Nahon, Flip and Steph Cooper, Todd McQueen, Ron Barrow, George Knox, Nancy Mitchell, and of course The Lovely and Talented Leslee! Add in folks like Jim McCraw, Rex and Reba Bristow, Bob and Star Mauloff, Sam and Marsha Jones, Greg and Teresa Moerer, Todd Scholtz, Ivelisse Schultz, Chuck Smiley, Rick Cantrell and we all kicked in for one helluva season!
And thank you to all who came out and had fun. Who raced, cruised, partied and just hung out by a campfire or on a dock! Who offered a helping hand to a friend. Who promoted the club. Introduced a friend. Told a tall(ish) tale. Lived large!
Wanna do it again next year?
I do.
So, here is the plan…………
Your 2018 Board of Directors are:
Barry Nelson, Commodore
Paul Nahon, Rear Commodore
Ivelisse Schultz, Social Chair
Flip Cooper, Cruising Commander
Steph Cooper, Internet Babe
Marsha Jones, Queen of Cash
George Knox, Membership
We will host 2 planning meetings this winter, like last year. One in KC, one in Springfield. Dates TBD but it will be after the holidays. Everyone is welcome, we WANT your feedback.
We will be joining forces with the other sailing clubs in the region for a display at the KC boat show January 18-21. We could use some folks to help work the booth.
We will update the website to handle registration, etc again. IT IS NOT READY YET, but I will let you know.
We will be soliciting advertising dollars. Know anyone interested in advertising to a bunch of adults with disposable income?
We are still working on a committee boat. Feel free to donate!
We are partnering with the city, county, and community with the intent of joining our marketing forces and let that rising tide lift all boats.
We are partnering with the Kansas Youth Sailing Foundation with the intent of advancing youth sailing in the region.
Have a great Holiday season!! I wish all of you a smile, a kiss, and a sip of wine. And boat loads of Peace and Love!
Over and out from Indian Rocks Beach, FL
Your Lanky Commodore, The Notorious B-arr-y Nelson
(If I forgot to mention you today, so sorry! I blame the rum and the sun and the sand.)
Attachments area