Greetings LSYC friends and family! Were you at the lake last weekend? How about Sunday? What a BEAUTIFUL day! We are so very lucky to be able to do what we do, and to be with folks like yourselves. I know I have so much fun telling our stories and spreading the love. Be sure you are telling your stories, and spreading your love. OK, now down to business:
1. Spring Series race results are posted on the website. Congrats to our winners!
2. Are you involved with the new dinghy racing program? Check that out if you can.
3. Be sure to follow the Junior Olympics Regatta happening June 22-24 at Lake Perry. This is the first time we have had an Olympic Regatta Festival in the mid part of the country that I know of. Our own Eric Nelson is registered to compete and represent the LSYC.
4. Cruiser’s Series Distance Race on June 23
5. Firecracker Open Regatta at Lake Perry- June 30- July 1.
The dock box garage sale was a success, thank you to all who donated and who helped out. We raised almost $500 toward our committee boat fund. Speaking of that fund, we are getting there. Please consider the club’s needs for a solid boat and donate! And a cool two-fer is there is a raffle for Stockton’s area Light The Lake Music Festival. Please buy raffle tickets in the club’s name and maybe the boat they are raffling off can be the committee boat! We will take what we have raised so far and convert her into a great R/C boat!
And one more shout out to our club sponsors! Be sure to find them on the website, call them, and give them your business! They are an important part of what we are doing.
Over and out from Riverfest in Wichita,
B-arr-y Nelson, your fried-cheese-on-a-stick Commodore (insert tall and cheesy joke here)
(Ever been to Riverfest in Wichita? Interesting people watching experience….)
(We almost had that Junior Olympic Regatta Festival here, but Perry got this one. If this goes well, there is a real chance it can come to Stockton in the future. What do you think about that?)
See you on the water!